I am still thankful to be an Islander fan

On this special day, I wish for you a Happy Thanksgiving day!  May it be filled with family, friends and loved ones, enjoying each others company, being thankful for each other and the life we have.

Despite all the suffering of pur hockey team over the past month (I know – I saw the last win live, and you are probably blaming me for the losses), I am STILL THANKFUL for the Islanders!

Although I hear so much from people on the negativity ( I will save that rant for another articlel and if you are one of those people – be prepared for my wrath) – I will never get on the team.  There are a great deal of positives to take out of their play of late.  I think that Jack Capuano has done a good job getting this team moving in a different direction.  Last night was indeed a presentation of that change.  Although there were moments in the third period that the team looked a little sloppy and not as energized, this team has played much better than the beginning of the streak.   This is not a blame of the former coach, it is just a tweak and a touch that has made this team look better, despite the situation.

And remember, there are seven players on the injured list.  Yes, SEVEN!  Five of them are defensemen.  Think about the top teams in the league with 80% of their starting blue line out.  Also your top offensive forward too.  It is not an excuse, but it has to count for something.

As far as last night (I did not get home until about 3 minutes left in the 3rd period – but I listened), I was extremely impressed with Travis Hamonic.  For a 20 year old in his first NHL game, he wowed the crowd, played in every situation, and had a fantastic shot on net in the overtime just before Columbus sealed the game.  He is going to make the decisions for Garth real tough when the injured defensemen get back into the game.

Frans Nielsen played his best game of the season last night. He was involved in both sides of the ice, as well as also having a great opportunity to win the game, which was denied by Mathieu Garon.  He assisted on two goals and in the few minutes I saw last night – I saw a great two-way player that will never get consideration because of the team that he is on.

Finally, Trent Hunter got his first.  Snakebit, maybe, losing a little step or so, possibly; but it is good to see him get back into the scoresheet.  He needs to step up even further.

I thought that Ricky had a good game.  He has played much better, has not wandered as much as he used to, and he seemed to be moving well around the net.  I can not blame him.

I was also glad to see JT get a fluky goal. I have been saying all along that those are the things that this team needs to get out of the schneid.

I am still pleased with the effort of this team of late.  Things will get better, I know it.  I am the positive person, and I will always find things good to say.  I am disappointed too; I am not happy with the streak, but I will NEVER give up on this team.  There are too many ‘fair weathered’ people in Islander country that feel that Charles should spend another 30 million, and Garth should either make 10 trades or be shown the highway.  I just can not deal with you.  We are dealt with the cards that we got.  If you think Garth hasn’t tried to make deals, you are smoking some serious weed.  If you think they haven’t tried, you need to start taking up dominoes.

Let me get back to positive.  I am thankful for the sport that I love so much.  I am thankful for the Islanders, and I hope that the players have a good day today.  Again, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.  If you are reading this blog from places other than the United States (I know I have people that read in Canada, UK, and even Thailand), have a Happy Thursday.

Now – it is time for me to work on my family’s famous stuffing (I have to make my own, and respectfully refuse to eat anyone else’s but my mother’s).  Have a great day!

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Have a hockey day!