Top Shelf : Islanders Daily 7/29/2013

Good morning Islanders fans! It’s Monday and you know what that means……yep, back to work. Ugghhhhh. Apparently, NHL general managers still have not gotten the message.

As another day comes to pass with barely a hint of any news relating to the wonderful sport that we all love, today’s Top Shelf is going to frame out two ideas going forward that we would like to present on these very pages in the upcoming weeks that are going to allow you, the readers, to get involved.

We already mentioned our exciting Q&As that are going to be gracing these pages soon, one with Art Staple, Isles Newsday beat writer and great friend to the site and another with a former Islanders enforcer who is doing outstanding charity work on the Island that must be brought to light. Now it’s your turn to get your name in lights (well, not exactly lights but the old saying holds true somewhat….)

Firstly, we want to open up our mailbag – send in your questions pertaining to anything and everything Islanders to (we are looking for an initial hit of about 10 questions in total) and our outstanding writing team will answer them right here on these very pages. Include your question, name and city/state. This could be a great way to engage us and we promise to answer each and every query with honesty, pulling information from our various credible sources if need be.

Secondly, reader rants and rumblings. This will follow the mailbag and I will announce its start date here, on Twitter and Facebook. It’s always fun to sound off and here is the perfect opportunity to do so! 2-3 sentences on something that really bothers you, concerning not only the Islanders but anything in the National Hockey League. Hate the officiating? Realignment got you down? Really wanted that one player that the Isles failed to acquire this off-season? Rant it out and get it off your chest. Our only restriction to this piece will be no cursing. Reach out to again with your name and city/state to get your rant published.

Thanks as always for reading and keep cool thoughts as we count down to training camp in September.

In Case You Missed It

Two Minutes For Tweeting

  • As do we Joe…….as do we but I don’t think I am going too far on a limb here in saying you will be hearing them again REAL soon. And this time, the league will notice as well with a shiny new trophy for John’s mantle.
  •  I don’t know who said that to you Chrissy, but I agree, that has to one of the most ridiculous arguments I have ever heard in claiming someone is not a real fan. /smh
  • Baseball lost me way back in April when they shouted ‘play ball’! I just cannot get into it this season and boy have I tried.
  •  Reagan has your countdown clock right here. If you do not have one on your desktop, you are doing computing all wrong. 

-AG (@tazman19)