Top Shelf : Islanders Daily 7/22/13

ByAndy Graziano|

Umm……It’s Monday morning at 5:30am and another work week is about to start. I spent most of last night thinking of something witty to open this mornings Top Shelf and came up with nothing…..Nada. Not even a picture.

I could write about baseball again or even the weather but heck you get that in 5 second snippets on ESPN or the Weather Channel. I could also mention the still available talent on the free agent market but that would be what, the umpteenth time I have done that?

What I can say is this….and hopefully it generates some relief from the summer malaise that we find ourselves in. On Facebook yesterday, I reached out to our readers and mentioned a mailbag Q&A feature that was positively received. So I will be working on details this week and getting the information out there. The basic premise will be ask us anything Islanders or NHL related with your name and city and we will post it right here on the site in a feature.

We hardly consider ourselves experts but we have been following the game and our beloved Isles for a loooonnggg time. The contacts we have befriended in the industry are true ‘insiders’ with access to management and the locker rooms (something that we also aspire to and are working on) so if you are wondering how credible most of our sources are, I would say very. So ask away and we will give you our opinions on whatever you decide to ask. It could work out to be a very fun feature and one that we are looking forward to.

In Case You Missed It

Two Minutes For Tweeting

  • I agree Jeremy – the minions at the NHL office might have messed up the schedule in little bits and pieces like the one you describe but can assure you that people like you and I were furthest from their mind.
  • I turned mine off last night in disgust at about 8pm after flipping through my Fios lineup for the second time and finding nothing either. I have been watching Falling Skies and of course, Deadliest Catch but that only covers twice a week for a hour at a clip.
  • Nothing like a good ole fashioned dust up at the car wash in the middle of the summer. Watch out for those Rangers fans, they fight dirty. Just go for the jersey pull and pound away mercilessly. (kidding of course…lol)
  • Now that is old school Isles dedication right there. I am not sure if many fans would be so bold to make such a drastic leap but I see where you are coming from. Ziggy is one of my all time favs as well.
  • Has absolutely nothing to do with hockey, but everything to do with doing a Sunday afternoon in the summer right! Party on Jeff! ?

-AG (@tazman19)
