New York Islanders John Tavares The Anti LeBron James

CLEVELAND, OH - JUNE 09: LeBron James
CLEVELAND, OH - JUNE 09: LeBron James

New York Islanders extended defenseman Calvin de Haan by a single year. Why a just for a year? Is Tavares having the inverse LeBron James effect on his teammates to almost equal detriment? Or is this just an “I’ll have what he’s having” moment?

The New York Islanders and defenseman Calvin de Haan were scheduled to plead their cases to an arbitrator on August 2nd, but hours before doing so both sides came to an agreement on a single-year $3.3 million extension.

A single year extension. It seems odd. Generally, players like to control their destiny and sign the longest terms deal possible. Especially just before they’re about to hit the open market. But Calvin agreed to a single year why?

A fan interacting with us on Twitter had an interesting take. Calvin de Haan is waiting to figure out what’s going to happen with Tavares before deciding to commit long-term to the New York Islanders.

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The Opposite LBJ

If you don’t follow basketball, the second best player on the second best team in the league wants out. Because it’s reported, he doesn’t want to play with the team’s super star; LeBron James.

Much like Tavares, James’ contract with the Cleveland Cavalier’s is up at the end of the 2017-18 season. Unlike Tavares, it’s widely believed that James will leave his hometown team to seek new riches in Los Angeles. And rather than sit and fall victim to the whims of LBJ, Kyrie Irving is deciding to skip town early.

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Now, Calvin de Haan is no Kyrie and John Tavares isn’t exactly LeBron James. But the parallels in how a super star player’s contract has an impact on his teammates can’t be ignored.

The line of reasoning brought up by this Isles fan isn’t flawed. Why sign a big money deal for what will likely be de Haan’s prime years if he won’t have a superstar player to play with? Unlike LeBron, players want to play with Tavares.

It makes sense, but I still can’t help but feel that every player in this league is looking out for number one; themselves. As they should be. Why would de Haan leave money on the table because of Tavares? Remember, he asked for a $5 million extension. That’s $1.7 million to wait for Tavares.

My growing feeling here is: “what’s good for the goose is good for gander”. If Tavares is waiting for some sort of sign that the organization is moving forward then why can’t Calvin de Haan do the same?

Like all players, he’s confident in his abilities to repeat next season. He’ll leave money on the table, for now, if that means he gets some sort of guarantee the franchise is putting him, not just Tavares, in the best possible position. And if not, he can hit the open market and get the money he wants.

Next: Calvin de Haan Signs At The 11th

That’s my sense. That de Haan is looking out for himself and making sure the team is putting him in the best position to succeed. He’s no John Tavares, but just like his captain, de Haan is exercising his rights, as the fan in question rightfully pointed out.