NY Islander Fans biggest losers following a disappointing March 7th and beyond

Isles GM Lou Lamoriello failed March 7th, a gutless response to Kings cheapshot on Boqvist and having no answer for the special teams mounts as playoffs slip away...again.
Buffalo Sabres v New York Islanders
Buffalo Sabres v New York Islanders | Bruce Bennett/GettyImages
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The much anticipated trade deadline has come and gone, leaving the fans of the New York Islanders frustrated, confused and down-right angry. After a week of second-guessing Isles GM Lamoriello, there is nothing new that I can say that hasn't already been said. While many will tout the skill and potential of Cal Ritchie, the fact is they did nothing to help the Islanders in the Wild Card race.

Still only six points out with games in hand, prior to the Panthers game, the teams above seem to have gone out of their way to keep the Islanders relevant. This means 17 more chances to go 0-8 on the PP while allowing 2 shorties, an abundance of opportunities not to come to a teammate's aid following one of the cheapest shots this team has seen in seasons, and plenty of occasions for the head coach or Captain of this team to show no reaction when goals are taken off the board. Starting to make me feel that somehow John Spano has gotten involved.

Does anyone remember the reactions the Flyers had for Max Tsyplakov following a similar hit against Ryan Poehling? They stuck him every chance they got, leading to a Tysplakov vs. Scott Laughton bout to settle the score. The Flyers didn't put up with it, coach John Tortorella was losing his mind on the bench and a clear message was sent that you don't mess with their own. Evidently Coach Roy, Captain Anders Lee and the rest of the boys felt that a couple of mitts to the face of Kevin Fiala following a Superman-like dive onto the back of the assailant after the hit was the message this team has the stomach for. As a fan, it was one of the lowest moments of a horrible season.

A historically bad special teams, lack of depth and sitting on his hands at the deadline will be the Legacy of Lamoriello

John Tavares
New York Islanders Draft Party | Mike Stobe/GettyImages
