Kyle MacLean Looking to Stick with the New York Islanders 

Kyle MacLean showed he's got the potential to be a valuable depth player for the New York Islanders last season. This upcoming campaign, MacLean will have an opportunity to become part of the Isles' new Identity Line, as he looks to stick permanently with the club.

New York Islanders forward Kyle MacLean will be looking to become a permanent fixture on the club, as he looks to become a bona fide NHLer.
New York Islanders forward Kyle MacLean will be looking to become a permanent fixture on the club, as he looks to become a bona fide NHLer. / Bruce Bennett/GettyImages
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Kyle MacLean is one of those feel-good stories we love to talk about. Undrafted, MacLean made a name for himself with the Bridgeport Islanders following a successful career in Junior

His hard work and dedication earned him a call-up with the big club. In 32 games last season, Kyle MacLean chipped in four goals and nine points, predominantly in a bottom-six role. 

Now, MacLean will be looking to become a permanent fixture with the New York Islanders. He’s got the talent and grit to make a significant impact on The Island for the foreseeable future. 

So, let’s explore the plus and minus sides of Kyle MacLean. 

Plus-Minus Sides of New York Islanders Forward Kyle MacLean 


MacLean is a grinder. He’s a tough customer from New Jersey who won’t back down when push comes to shove. That attitude has made him a prime candidate for the Isles’ fourth line. 

This upcoming season, the New York Islanders will be looking to rebuild the Identity Line. So, what better identity than a gritty, hard-nosed player who can contribute offensively

While MacLean won’t be winning the Rocket Richard or Art Ross Trophies any time soon, he’s got the skills to reach the 20 to 30-point plateau as a bottom-six forward. 

It’s also worth pointing out that he’s only 25. That situation means he’s got time to grow into a more significant role, perhaps taking over for Jean-Gabriel Pageau on the third line, if it ever comes to that. 

Overall, the plus side on Kyle MacLean points toward a diamond in the rough. With a full season under Patrick Roy, MacLean could discover his potential, making him an indispensable part of the Isles forward group. 


On the minus side, MacLean seems typecast into a grinder role. That perception could work against him, especially if Roy feels MacLean is not worthy of an audition in a more predominant role. 

Similarly, there’s always the risk that MacLean’s offensive output limits his ability to move up in the lineup. While that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, he may not be able to step up when he’s asked to do so. 

Overall, the minus side of Kyle MacLean is not significant enough to write him off as a lifelong fourth liner. Nevertheless, he is a bit of a wildcard. The Isles won’t really know what they have in MacLean until he plays a full season.  

If he blossoms, then the Isles stuck gold in an unexpected place. If he fails to take the next step, MacLean may consistently find himself battling for a roster spot. 

The Verdict 

Kyle MacLean is poised to have a solid year on the Isles’ bottom-six forward group. He should get a chance to show what he can do in the middle six sooner rather than later. If he demonstrates that he’s got what it takes to be a solid third liner, the Isles will have found themselves a true gem

In the worst of cases, MacLean could become a valuable role player, the kind that flies under the radar, playing a key role without attracting too much attention. 






